July 8th Speaker, Dr. Vern Peterman

On Friday, July 8th at 7 PM, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as its monthly speaker, Dr. Vern Peterman.

When Dr. Peterman began his geology studies, they were from an old-earth standpoint, since that's what they taught as fact as than time. But in his concurrent fieldwork & classroom studies he began studying the young earth perspective, including books and the Creation Research Society quarterly.

He attended several ICR seminars. In his independent investigations, he made a trip around the western US, along with additional reading, substantial calling & writing letters to scientists, noting limestone cave feature (stalactites & stalagmites) growth rate, he accepted the young earth model of geology.

He switched to civil engineering in 1973, receiving his degree from San Jose State University in June 1977 and professional engineering (PE) registration in 1980. Dr. Peterman received his M.B.A. in Business Management from Golden Gate University in 1986 and his Doctor of Ministry from Tyndale Theological Seminary in July 2001. Dr. Peterman is currently an Elder with Holly Hills Bible Church.

The title of Dr. Peterman's talk will be How in heavens did we get here on earth? This subject will include information on General and Special Revelation and the History of Science.

Dr. Peterman says that God reveals Himself in many ways: through Scripture, nature, providence, conscience and above all Jesus Christ.

This subject has impact upon our understanding of Genesis One, secular counseling, worldviews and public morality. This talk by Dr. Peterman will give one greater understanding of how we should approach the meaning of what Scripture is trying to tell us and how we should implement it in our lives.

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