CRS public meeting: Dr Kevin Anderson, Dr Russ Humphreys, Dr Jean Lightner,
CRS public meeting: Dr Kevin Anderson, Dr Russ Humphreys, Dr Jean Lightner,
When: Friday, May 31, 2019, 07:00pm
Where: 13231 E Mississippi Ave Aurora, CO
The Creation Research Society is holding its annual Board meeting in Denver this year, under the leadership of President Dr. Don DeYoung. Eighteen Board members and staff will participate in a mini-seminar on Friday evening, May 31 at Mississippi Ave. Baptist Church in Aurora, CO, sponsored by Rocky Mtn Creation Fellowship and the Denver Society of Creation. The event will feature research status reports on the current research projects of the CRS, including “Investigation of Dinosaur Intact Natural Osteo-tissue,” (Dr. Kevin Anderson), “Examination of Kinds in Natural Diversification and Speciation” (Jean Lightner) , and “Creation Cosmology” (Dr. Russ Humphreys.)
The church is located at the intersection of I-225 and Mississippi Ave. The seminar begins at 7 pm. Admission is free. Please join us and bring a friend !